
The Family Care Alliance has many interesting statistics about caregivers. This list is based on 2014/2015 data but it provides solid facts about future trends in eldercare:


Although I did not have the same success with medications that the writer of this 2018 article for AARP had with her father, it is worth reading for reference. I find it curious that she did not mention which one worked for him, but even though she did not, I do think the List of Therapies she used with her father is worth considering for other caregivers ( because as I mention in Chapter 6, no pill, or therapy, will not work the same for everyone. Nutrition and Music definitely helped with my mother though. Also, picturing my mother agreeing to an acupuncture treatment was worth a good laugh, so at the very least there might be some tangential therapy for caregivers in this list.


For fans of podcasts and live interviews, I highly suggest going to and looking for the May 21, 2019 episode of “Fresh Air” with Terri Gross where he interviews Dr. Tia Powell who is a bio-ethicist at Albert Einstein University. The title of the episode is, “Dementia Re-imagined” and topics discussed include long term care options, end of life decisions and how to make the dementia patient’s life happier.


The National Institute on Aging is a division of the National Institute of Health and has many free publications on its website about Alzheimer’s and dementia research, scientific discoveries that help to understand the nature of aging, and resources to help extend a healthy, active life.


The Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health is dedicated to the pursuit of more effective treatments for brain diseases and offers leading edge care for both patients and their families. They offer many different programs and resources as well as diagnostic services and the opportunity to participate in new and exciting research directions.


For a deeper look at the different causes and symptoms of the 11 Different Types of Dementia currently defined by The Alzheimer’s Association, visit: Their website is packed full of national and regional resources and includes listings of caregiver support groups all across the country. 


To see if products claiming to treat Alzheimer’s and related diseases have Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval or problems, visit ( If you're curious about the new wonder drug Aduhelm (aka aducanumab) they approved in June 2021, read my July 2021 Blog Post about the flawed testing methodology that was used and the drug maker's price gauging from a real-world, common sense, what it means to you point-of-view. offers research and brain health education including preventative tips and advice. 



This list of CAREGIVING RESOURCES is constantly evolving and growing. 

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